Good article by Rain Selling on getting to the executive suite. The key point is once you get there, you need to be able to speak their language and have knowledge of their business issues and industry issues.
Top 10 Characteristics of Top Performing Sales People
Topics: Sales
Do you know why your customers buy your products? It is not because of the features and benefits that you offer. Companies buy for 3 reasons: 1) to grow or protect revenue 2) to reduce or control expenses and 3) to reduce risk - risk related to their people, company stability, financial, market share, reputation/brand, etc.
Topics: Sales
I recently read Resolved by Orrin Woodward. It is a book on 13 resolutions for life. In chapter 2 Woodward talks about Integrity and character. Integrity is acting on what is right without expecting anything in return. According to Webster, Integrity is a firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility