Here is an other article based upon $3.1 billion in purchases confirming that what matters most in the buyer's perspective is not the solution you offer, but the sales rep's competence. This follows similar studies that show the sales rep's competence contributes to 39% of a buyer's decision while total solution is only 22% of the buying decision. Quality is 21% and price comprises 18% of a decision. (study from the HR Chally Group)
Bill Hart
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"If performance is not improving, reinforcement is not happening."
Topics: Sales
The more I work with sales reps, the more I realize two things: 1) Sales reps really don't dig into the "Why" of their customer's business. Few ask the questions to their customers "Why are they in business?" Few sales reps try to understand their customer's true vision, the mission and values that drive the company. When a sales rep does learn and understand those key driving forces, it enables him or her to engage the senior executive, especially the business owner, in a conversation on a whole new level.
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Good article by Rain Selling on getting to the executive suite. The key point is once you get there, you need to be able to speak their language and have knowledge of their business issues and industry issues.
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Top 10 Characteristics of Top Performing Sales People
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Do you know why your customers buy your products? It is not because of the features and benefits that you offer. Companies buy for 3 reasons: 1) to grow or protect revenue 2) to reduce or control expenses and 3) to reduce risk - risk related to their people, company stability, financial, market share, reputation/brand, etc.
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Improve focus, improve time management = improving sales
I regularly hear from sales managers that reps need help with time management to improve results. In reality, focusing on improving time management is not the real issue. For one could improve on their effecient use of time but not be doing anything effective.
The real issue that sales managers want to improve is performance and they see that sales reps are waisting time so they focus on improving time management. What is really needed is priority management.
When sales managers help their sales reps identify and then focus on the top priorities, sales improve. When you keep the main thing the main thing, people's performance improves. Too many times sales people get easily distracted with focusing on the urgent, but not real important stuff, and don't get around to doing the most important things such as making sales calls or closing opportunities.
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I recently read Resolved by Orrin Woodward. It is a book on 13 resolutions for life. In chapter 2 Woodward talks about Integrity and character. Integrity is acting on what is right without expecting anything in return. According to Webster, Integrity is a firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility
Asking "How do they define success?" changes everything
By opening a meeting with asking the prospect what they want to accomplish or how will they define success for this meeting, totally changes the discussion. The sales rep immediately begins with what is important to the prospect or client, truly being customer aligned. And when the prospect tells the rep what is important to them, the rep then can engage in what is important and not give information or ask questions that are irrelevant to the prospect.
Focus on the customer and they will feel valued and they will see you as different that most sales people.
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