
Internal Customer Service - Be Double Stuff

Internal Customer Service - Be Double Stuff

Posted by Bill Hart on Jul 15, 2015 12:22:07 PM

One of the roles a good sales rep plays is glue or coordinator of resources. A good rep brings together the client/customer and the sales rep's organization's resources. I liken it to a Double Stuff Oreo Cookie. Without the great cream filling in the middle you don't have an Oreo. You have two plain chocolate cookies that are not connected. As one client put it, I must be the "good stuff in the middle" to create great client experiences.

double stuff

For many companies, the emphasis is on great customer service, but it is externally focused. In reality, you can't have good external customer service unless you have good internal customer service.

The sales rep can be the bridge for good internal and external customer service.

As a leaders within your organization, are there any initiatives to improve internal customer service? Part of your sales training should have a module on being the "good stuff in the middle." Sales reps should view their internal resources as customers as well as their external customers. At times, sales reps can be the worst at internal customer service treating internal staff poorly and always complaining. This poor service internally affects how the internal resources might serve the customer. To be truly Customer Aligned, you need to see that you have two customers: internal and external.

Here is a short article on improving customer service.

Topics: Sales